On the night of the September 14 Primary Election, I was a guest along with journalist Pete Tucker on
More Room on the Outside hosted by Dr. Baruch and Toussaint Tingling-Clemmons.
The program was about observations that Pete and I made while vis

iting polling places during the day. As Election Education Inc. observers, we were joined by former DC Board of Elections and Ethics’ Precinct Captain Kenlee Ray, who is seen here with me in a photograph taken by Pete. In total we visited and surveyed 20 polling places distributed among the District’s eight wards. A report of our findings will be made available on October 8.
The Fight Back has posted the
More Room on the Outside interview on their website at
http://thefightback.org/2010/09/more-room-on-the-outside-on-dctv-tuesday-september-14-2010-election-day/. When you get there, move the time bar to 31:00.
More Room on the Outside, which airs on public television, can be seen on DCTV on Comcast channels 95 and 96; RCN channels 10 and 11; and Verizon FIOS Channels 10, 11, and 28.